Dokki, Египет
The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of various bran sources, including wheat, barley, and rice, on the quality and volatile compounds of Egyptian ‘balady’ bread (Fino). The protein, fat, and total carbohydrates content of the studied brans ranged from 8.49 to 14.16%, 2.16 to 8.12%, and 34.38 to 85.06%, respectively. The mi- neral composition and colour parameters of the brans were also evaluated. The substitution of wheat flour with 10%, 20%, and 30% of different brans resulted in decreased loaf volume and specific volume, and increased loaf weight. A significant decrease in colour parameters (L, a, and b) of the bread crust and crumb were observed in all the sam- ples. The addition of bran at three concentrations showed a remarkable increase in the total phenolic content of the bread samples, compared to the control. The antioxidant activity of the bread samples fortified with brans showed the following order: RB (rice bran) > BB (barley bran) > WB (wheat bran), as determined by the DPPH and β-carotene assays. Thirty-six volatile compounds identified in the bread samples using GC-MS included 5 alcohols, 6 pyrazines, 2 acids, 9 aldehydes, 5 ketones, 3 esters, and 6 sulphur-containing compounds. Alcohols were the predominant vola- tile constituents accounting for 58.3; 61.57; 59.08; and 56.15% in the control and in the bread samples prepared with bran from rice, barley, and wheat, respectively.
Bran, bread, chemical composition, volatile compounds
Bread is one of the most important sources of dietary fibres, micronutrients, proteins, and vitamins. There- fore, it is considered effective, when fortified with sui- table fibre fractions, in treating various diseases, such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, etc [1]. There is a growing demand for bread in the whole world, especially in developing countries such as Egypt. At the same time, consumers increasingly prefer functional foods that contain ingredients providing health benefits beyond basic nutrition [2, 3].
The whole grain of wheat consists of germ, endo- sperm, and bran. Milling results in a dramatic loss of healthy biochemical molecules, such as antiradical con- stituents, fibre, vitamins, and minerals, causing cardio- vascular and other types of disease [4]. Only endosperm, which contains a significant amount of carbohydrates, remains after milling. However, cereal products prepared from whole grain are not as popular as those from refined flour due to reduced quality and degraded sensory prop- erties caused by the presence of bran. The detrimental ef- fects of bran can be decreased by various methods such
as hydration, fermentation, and size reduction [5–7]. Bran is the main by-product of milling. It is a valuable and in- expensive source of dietary fibre that contains approxi- mately 27% of total carbohydrates, 14% of protein, and 5% of minerals [8, 9]. The chemical composition of wheat bran depends on wheat variety, environmental condi- tions, etc. Therefore, the source of bran is a critical factor for the quality of wheat grain products [10].
The world production of rice bran reaches 29.3 mil- lion tons annually [11]. Introducing defatted rice bran in wheat flour is a useful method of increasing lysine, protein, and fibre contents [12]. A high protein content (11–17%), excellent nutritional value, and a considerable amount of fibre (20–27%) make rice bran a good source of bread fortification [13, 14]. The addition of rice bran at a concentration of 15–30% did not change the physico- chemical properties of bread [15].
According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), Egypt produces 117,113 tons of barley grains per annum on an area of about 87,752 ha [16]. It was repor- ted by Anderson et al. that barley contains a significant amount of β-glucan which helps to reduce low density li-
Copyright © 2019, Hussein et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially, provided the original work is properly cited and states its license.
poprotein (LDL) and total cholesterol in serum of both humans and animals [17–19]. A study into the effect of barley bran on bread quality found that 15% was the best amount of barley bran for bread fortification that ensured high quality and health benefits [20].
Texture, volume, and appearance of bread are im- portant quality criteria for consumers. However, taste and aroma play a dramatic role for both producers and consumers. Approximately 300 volatile compounds are identified in bread that fall into several classes such as alcohols, esters, aldehydes, etc. They result from vari- ous interactions between the type and concentration of ingredients during processing, yeast activity during fer- mentation, and fermentation conditions (time, tempera- ture, etc.) [21, 22].
The current study aims to compare the effects of sub- stituting wheat flour with various brans on the chemical composition, as well as antioxidant and volatile com- pounds of Egyptian Fino bread.
Materials. Wheat flour (WF) (72% extraction) and wheat bran (WB) were obtained from the North Cairo Flour Mills Company (Egypt). Rice bran (RB) was ob- tained from a local milling factory (Zifta, Egypt). Barley bran (BB) was obtained from a pilot plant at the National Research Centre (Dokki, Egypt). All chemicals used in this study are of analytical grade.
Milling. Barley grains (Giza, 136) were manually cleaned, tempered to 14% moisture content, milled using a Quadrumat Junior flour mill (Model MLV-202, Swit- zerland), and sieved to obtain flour and bran.
Stabilizing rice bran. The bran was immediately stabilized using oven heating (at 110°C for 10 minutes). Immediately subsequent to heating, the sample was re- moved from the oven and cooled to room temperature (25°C). The stabilized rice bran was milled into flour. The flour was screened through a 30-mesh sieve, supple- mented with wheat flour, and stored under freezing con- ditions.
Making Fino bread. Different Fino bread blends were prepared by using WF (72% extraction) and the studied bran at a concentration of 10%, 20%, and 30%. Active dry yeast (1.5%), NaCl (1.5%), sugar (2%), shor- tening (1%), bread improver (1%), and water (an amount required to reach 500 Brabender Units of consistency) were added to each sample in the pilot plant at the Na- tional Research Centre (NRC) in Dokki, Egypt. Fino bread was made according to Hussein et al. in an elec- tric oven (Mondial Formi, 4T 40/60, Italy) [23]. Firstly, yeast was dissolved in warm water (35°C) and added to the dry ingredients and the shortening; then the mix- ture was kneaded. The dough was fermented at 30°C for 30 min in a fermentation cabinet under 80–85% relative humidity. Then it was divided into 80 g pieces that were placed in the trays and proofed under the same condi- tions for 45 min. The dough loaves were baked at 325°C for 10–15 min after steaming for 10 sec. To enhance
the browning process of protein bread, the dough pie-
ces were brushed with melted margarine prior to baking. The baked loaves were cooled down at room tempera- ture for 60 min. Weight, volume, and specific volume of the bread samples were determined as described by [24]. Analytical methods. Moisture, protein, fat, ash, and fibre of raw materials and Fino bread were de- termined according to AOAC Official Methods of Analysis International, while carbohydrates were cal- culated by difference as in Tadrus’s study [25, 26]. In- dividual elements (Ca, P, K, Na, Fe, Mn, and Cu) in all the samples were determined according to Chapman and Pratt [27]. Changes in Hunter colour parameters (L, a & b) of raw materials and Fino bread were followed up using a Tristimulus Colour Analyzer (Hunter, Lab
Scan XE, Reston, Virginia) with a standard white tile.
Bread freshness. The freshness of the bread samples was tested at day 0, 3 and 7 of storage at room tempera- ture by alkaline water retention capacity (AWRC) ac- cording to the method described by Hussein et al. [28].
Sensory properties. The Fino bread samples were evaluated for taste (20), aroma (20), mouth feel (10), crumb texture (15), crumb colour (10), break & shred (10), crust colour (10), and symmetry shape (5) accor- ding to the method described in [24].
Total phenolics extraction. Ten grams of powdered bread was extracted with 75 ml 100% methanol at 25°C for 24 hours along with stirring followed by filtration using Whatman no.1 filter paper. The residues were re-extracted twice as described above. The combined methanolic extracts were evaporated at 40°C under va- cuum until dry.
Total phenolics determination. The concentration of phenolic compounds in the bread samples was esti- mated with the Folin–Ciocalteu reagent according to the method described by Singleton and Rossi [29]. One millilitre of a sample (5 mg) was mixed with 1 ml of the Folin-Ciocalteu’s phenol reagent. After 3 min, 1 ml of saturated sodium carbonate (20%) solution was added to the mixture and adjusted to 10 ml with distilled wa- ter. The reaction was kept in the dark for 90 min, after which the absorbance was read at 765 nm. Gallic acid was used to construct the standard curve (8–80 μg/ml). The results were expressed as mg of GAEs (gallic acid equivalents/g).
Determination of free radical scavenging activity. The antioxidant activity of the methanol extracts was determined by the DPPH radical scavenging method as described by Woldegiorgis et al. [30]. A 0.004% solu- tion of the DPPH radical solution in methanol was pre- pared and then 2 ml of the DPPH solution was mixed with 1 ml of various concentrations (0.1–0.5 mg/ml) of the extracts in methanol. Finally, the samples were in- cubated for 30 min in the dark at room temperature. The scavenging capacity was read spectrophotomet- rically by monitoring the decrease in absorbance at 517 nm. The inhibition of free radical DPPH in percent (I %) was then calculated.
The scavenging activity, %, was calculated using the
following formula:
% Inhibition = [(A
)] × 100.
mass spectral search programme (Version 2.0; National
Institute of Standards & Technology) for library search
β-Carotene-linoleate bleaching assay. The anti-
oxidant activity of the methanol extract with various concentrations (0.1–0.5 mg/ml) was assayed according to the β-Carotene-linoleate bleaching method deve- loped by Velioglu et al. [31]. 0.2 mg of β-Carotene (in 1 ml chloroform), 0.02 ml of linoleic acid, and 0.2 ml of Tween were transferred into a round bottom flask. The mixture was then added to 0.2 mg of methanolic extract prepared for the β-carotene-linoleate bleaching assay or 0.2 ml of standard methanol (as a control). Chloro- form was removed at room temperature under vacuum at reduced pressure using a rotary evaporator. Following evaporation, 50 ml of distilled water was added to the mixture and then shaken vigorously to form an emul- sion. Two millilitres aliquots of the emulsion was taken in test tubes and immediately placed in a water bath at 50°C. The absorbance was measured at 470 nm by a UV-Vis Shimadzu (UV-1601, PC) spectrophotometer. Readings of all the samples were performed immediately (t = 0 min) and after 120 minutes of incubation. The an- tioxidant activity (%) was evaluated in terms of β-caro- tene bleaching inhibition using as follows:
% Inhibition = [(A – C )/(C – C )] × 100,
t t 0 t
where A and C are the absorbance values measured for
and identification, as well as software (EZChrom Elite; GL Sciences Inc.) for the quantification of identified to- tal ion peak areas. For the static headspace, 3 grams of the whole bread samples were encapsulated in a glass vial container (22 ml). The analytical conditions of the headspace included a sample weight of 3 g, a sample temperature of 80°C, an injection temperature of 160°C, an injection duration of 36 sec, a needle temperature of 80°C, and a transferring temperature of 160°C. High-pu- rity helium carrier gas (1.2 ml/min) was employed for gas chromatography. The column was held at 50°C for 3 min, with the temperature programmed to 220°C at a heating rate of 4°C/min, and then held at 220°C for
15 min. The analytical conditions of the mass spec- trometer included an interface temperature of 220°C, a transferring temperature of 160°C, and an ion source temperature of 230°C. The ionization energy of the mass spectrometer was 70 eV and a scan cycle time was 0.5 ms (33–40 m/z).
Compounds identification. The linear retention in- dex (RI) values for unknowns were determined based on retention time data obtained by analyzing a series of
normal alkanes (C6–C22). Volatile components were po- sitively identified by matching their RI values and mass spectra with those of standards, also run under identical
chromatographic conditions in the laboratory (Adams,
t t
the test sample and control, respectively, after 120 min
is the absorbance values for the con-
Statistical analysis. The obtained results were eva-
trol measured at zero time during incubation. All the ex- periments were carried out in triplicate.
Ascorbic acid was used as a standard, and the ex- tract-free mixture was used as a control.
Volatile compounds analysis. Flavour compounds were identified by GC/MS analyses. The instruments in- cluded a static headspace (Agilent 7890 GC coupled to a 5977 MS detector) with a column (DB-5; J&W Scientific Inc.) of 60 m in length, 0.25 mm in inside diameter, and
0.25 µm in membrane thickness. We also used a mass spectrometer (Automass SUN-200S; JEOL Ltd.) with a
luated statistically using analysis of variance as reported by Mc-Clave and Benson [32].
Chemical composition of wheat flour and bran. The proximate composition of the brans under study is presented in Table 1. The protein content of diffe- rent brans ranged from 8.49 to 14.16%. The fat content varied from 2.16 to 8.12% in BB and RB, respective- ly. Rice bran exhibited the most concentrated source of dietary fibre (36.18%) among all cereal brans. Barley
Table 1. Chemical composition of brans, %
Sample |
Moisture |
Protein |
Fat |
Fibre |
Ash |
Carbohydrates |
WF (72%) |
11.50 ± 0.12 |
12.65 ± 0.36 |
1.16 ± 0.06 |
0.48 ± 0.06 |
0.65 ± 0.03 |
85.06 ± 0.72 |
WB |
9.12 ± 0.11 |
8.49 ± 0.10 |
3.82 ± 0.09 |
15.16 ± 0.11 |
14.59 ± 0.15 |
57.94 ± 1.22 |
RB |
10.55 ± 0.15 |
14.16 ± 0.19 |
8.12 ± 0.05 |
36.18 ± 0.15 |
7.16 ± 0.19 |
34.38 ± 1.03 |
BB |
13.85 ± 0.22 |
12.52 ± 0.17 |
2.16 ± 0.03 |
12.35 ± 0.19 |
5.62 ± 0.17 |
67.35 ± 0.86 |
Mineral composition, mg/100 g |
Na |
K |
P Ca |
Fe |
Zn |
Cu |
WF (72%) |
130.12 ± 0.96 |
45.12 ± 0.33 |
182 ± 0.99 26 ± 0.12 |
2. 65 ± 0.09 |
0.96 ± 0.01 |
0.18 ± 0.001 |
WB |
1.2 ± 0.03 |
686 ± 3.19 |
588 ± 2.15 42.35 ± 0.15 |
6.1 ± 0.10 |
4.2 ± 0.10 |
0.6 ± 0.003 |
RB |
5.9 ± 0.06 |
1650 ± 4.12 |
1780 ± 3.19 67.5 ± 0.22 |
12.9 ± 0.13 |
7.6 ± 0.17 |
0.9 ± 0.005 |
BB |
6.5 ± 0.09 |
860 ± 3.18 |
790 ± 2.66 72.5 ± 0.39 |
8.32 ± 0.15 |
5.9 ± 0.23 |
0.72 ± 0.002 |
Hunter colour parameters |
L |
a |
b |
WF (72%) |
92.20 ± 1.15 |
0.62 ± 0.03 |
11.36 ± 0.13 |
WB |
70.64 ± 1.29 |
6.13 ± 0.22 |
20.12 ± 0.19 |
RB |
73.92 ± 1.35 |
4.76 ± 0.19 |
17.45 ± 0.22 |
BB |
70.70 ± 1.62 |
6.13 ± 0.12 |
20.12 ± 0.14 |
Note: WF (72%) is wheat flour extract 72%; WB is wheat bran; and RB is rice bran; BB: barley bran
bran had the maximum value for total carbohydrates (67.35%). Maximum ash content (14.59%) was observed
Table 2. Physical properties of bread with various amounts of brans
in wheat bran. Wheat flour (72%) contained 85.06%
of carbohydrates. Similar results were reported by
Sample Weight, g Volume, cm Specific volume, cm3/g
O. Ozdestan et al. [33, 34].
Mineral content. According to Table 1, the brans under study were superior in sodium, potassium, phos- phorus, calcium, iron, zinc, and copper, compared to wheat flour. These data agree with those found by Faria et al. who reported that Ca and P contents were 63.3 and 979 mg/100 g in rice bran and 65 and 979 mg/100 g in stabilized rice bran, respectively [35]. Also, the results in Table 1 showed an increased amount of K and P in rice bran, compared to the other raw materials.
Colour attributes. Colour plays an important role in the consumer’s choice of foods, especially bakery pro- ducts. The colour parameters of the brans, as well as wheat flour 72%, were evaluated using a Hunter laborato- ry colourimeter (Table 1). The bran samples were darker than WF. The same trend was observed with yellowness (a*): it was higher for different brans, compared to wheat flour. The obtained results are in good agreement with Kim et al. And Ramy et al.: the presence of bran produ- ces darker bakery products [36, 37]. Therefore, we should control its concentration or use suitable additives to re- duce this browning.
Control 70.5 ± 0.12 290 ± 1.65 4.11 ± 0.19
WB concentration,%:
10 73.2 ± 0.15 280 ± 1.20 3.83 ± 0.19
20 77.5 ± 0.17 265 ± 1.35 3.42 ± 0.32
30 82.0 ± 0.21 250 ± 1.42 3.05 ± 0.39
RB concentration, %:
10 74.2 ± 0.22 270 ± 2.6 3.64 ± 0.19
20 78.5 ± 0.15 250 ± 1.35 3.18 ± 0.32
30 84.0 ± 0.11 230 ± 2.15 2.74 ± 0.39
gradually decreased in all the bread samples, compared to the control, with its values ranging from 220 (for 30% of BB) to 280 cm3 (for 10% of WB).
These results were in agreement with [39] that sub- stituted wheat flour with high concentrations of rice bran (20 and 30%), which decreased the loaf volume.
Bran effects on colour attributes. The colour measurements of different bread samples are shown in Table 3. The bread samples containing different pro- portions of bran had lower values of L, b, and a; more- over, the values decreased as the concentration of bran increased. All the fortified samples had slightly lower L values for crust than the control and therefore a slightly darker crumb colour was noticed.
Bran effects on sensory evaluation. The sensory characteristics of the Fino bread samples with different amounts of WB, RB, and BB are shown in Table 4. The results indicated that the addition of bran did not have a clear effect on the crust and crumb colour, whereas its effect on taste and smoothness was quite remarkable. All the changes, however, were in the acceptable range. The colour changes may be due a higher content of reducing sugars in bran, compared to wheat flour, and the Mail- lard reaction during the baking process. We can also
Table 3. Hunter colour parameters of Fino bread with various amounts of brans
Sample |
Crust |
Crumb |
L |
a |
b |
L |
a |
b |
Control |
60.18a ± 0.11 |
12.90a ± 0.09 |
33.50a ± 0.15 |
73.15a ± 0.22 |
2.18d ± 0.19 |
24.55a ± 0.33 |
WB amount,%: |
10 |
52.39b ± 0.13 |
10.90c ± 0.11 |
30.41b ± 0.30 |
57.15b ± 0.22 |
6.20c ± 0.08 |
23.18a ± 0.10 |
20 |
48.60c ± 0.22 |
11.65b ± 0.19 |
28.15c ± 0.26 |
46.63c ± 0.26 |
7.26b ± 0.09 |
22.15c ± 0.18 |
30 |
44.19d ± 0.17 |
11.95b ± 0.17 |
26.11d ± 0.21 |
42.60d ± 0.15 |
8.13a ± 0.08 |
21.22d ± 0.21 |
RB amount,%: |
10 |
55.13b ± 0.69 |
12.03ab ± 0.19 |
30.15b ± 0.63 |
60.19a ± 1.11 |
7.12b ± 0.09 |
24.50a ± 0.11 |
20 |
52.11b ± 0.55 |
11.75b ± 0.25 |
27.19c ± 0.35 |
52.15c ± 1.25 |
7.95ab ± 0.11 |
22.19b ± 0.19 |
30 |
46.50d ± 0.45 |
11.33c ± 0.39 |
25.18d ± 0.29 |
44.20d ± 1.19 |
8.20a ± 0.13 |
19.65e ± 0.26 |
BB amount,%: |
10 |
53.50b ± 0.62 |
12.00ab ± 0.10 |
29.17b ± 0.25 |
58.65b ± 0.15 |
6.70b ± 0.09 |
23.20b ± 0.44 |
20 |
48.35c ± 052 |
11.65b ± 0.08 |
26.15c ± 0.31 |
49.70c ± 0.19 |
7.55ab ± 0.07 |
21.15c ± 0.65 |
30 |
44.61d ± 0.39 |
11.21c ± 0.06 |
24.20d ± 0.44 |
42.50d ± 0.32 |
8.80a ± 0.03 |
18.19d ± 0.33 |
LSD at 0.05 |
3.65 |
0.26 |
1.22 |
3.39 |
2.52 |
0.35 |
Table 4. Sensory evaluation of bread with various amounts of brans
Sample |
Taste (20) |
Aroma (20) |
Mouth feel (10) |
Crumb tex- ture (15) |
Crumb co- lour (10) |
Break &shred (10) |
Crust colour (10) |
Symmetry shape (5) |
Control |
18.5a ± 0.52 |
18.7a ± 0.55 |
9.3a ± 0.39 |
12.6a ± 0.32 |
9.0a ± 0.39 |
9.12 ± 0.19 |
8.6a ± 0.22 |
4.5 ± 0.42 |
WB amount, %: |
10 |
16.9b ± 0.53 |
18.2b ± 0.72 |
8.9b ± 0.35 |
11.9b ± 0.45 |
8.6b ± 0.52 |
8.82 ± 0.35 |
7.6ab ± 0.18 |
4.2 ± 0.35 |
20 |
15.8c ± 0.35 |
17.5c ± 0.69 |
7.9c ± 0.27 |
11.2c ± 0.60 |
7.6c ± 0.49 |
8.65 ± 0.42 |
6.7b ± 0.26 |
4.2 ± 0.33 |
30 |
14.6d ± 0.22 |
16.6d ±0.61 |
7.5d ±0.33 |
10.6d ± 0.38 |
6.8d ± 0.43 |
8.45 ± 0.39 |
5.9b ± 0.19 |
4.0 ± 0.31 |
RB amount, %: |
10 |
17.5ab ± 1.13 |
17.33a ± 1.12 |
8.3b ± 0.45 |
12.1ab ± 0.45 |
8.4b ± 0.33 |
8.25 ± 0.49 |
8.2a ± 0.15 |
3.9 ± 0.18 |
20 |
16.3bc ± 1.22 |
16.3c ± 1.25 |
7.8c ± 0.42 |
11.9b ± 0.50 |
7.5c ± 0.71 |
8.19 ± 0.52 |
7.6ab ± 0.36 |
3.5 ± 0.25 |
30 |
16.0c ± 2.11 |
16.0d ± 1.15 |
7.3d ± 0.35 |
11.2c ± 0.62 |
6.9d ± 0.61 |
8.11 ± 0.29 |
6.2b ± 0.42 |
3.2 ± 0.30 |
BB amount, %: |
10 |
17.3b ± 1.45 |
17.3a ± 1.31 |
7.4 ± 0.27 |
12.10ab ± 0.65 |
8.5b ± 0.61 |
8.08 ± 0.35 |
8.6a ± 0.19 |
4.0 ± 0.17 |
20 |
17.0b ± 1.62 |
16.5b ± 1.43 |
7.5 ± 0.23 |
11.7b ± 0.52 |
7.3c ± 0.56 |
7.88 ± 0.36 |
7.2ab ± 0.35 |
3.90 ± 0.15 |
30 |
16.2bc ± 0.96 |
16.2c ± 1.10 |
7.7 ± 0.17 |
11.0c ± 0.13 |
6.9d ± 0.35 |
7.70 ± 0.62 |
6.7b ± 0.61 |
3.8 ± 0.11 |
LSD at 0.05 |
1.22 |
0.34 |
0.45 |
0.62 |
0.65 |
NS |
0.95 |
NS |
notice that increased concentrations of bran lead to a gradual decrease in hardness and smoothness, especial- ly in the bread samples containing 30% of WB, RB, and BB. The results also showed a significant effect of WB, RB, and BB on the aroma of bread, primarily due to the flavour compounds.
The bread samples with 30% of WB, RB, and BB were significantly harder than the others. This may be due to the dilution of gluten and the thickening of the walls surrounding air bubbles in the crumb [40, 41]. All the Fino bread samples containing WB, RB, and BB showed an observed acceptability. Also, the addition of the brans changed the bread colour slightly and reduced the size of the holes, as confirmed by Sharma and Chau- han [39]. As can be noticed, there were no significant differences in break and shred and symmetry shape be- tween the Fino bread from WF (control) and the samples with 10% of WB. However, the samples fortified with bran manifested significant differences in taste, aroma, mouth feel, crumb texture and colour, and crust colour. As the bran level increased, the crust colour score de- creased.
Table 5. Changes in freshness of bread with various amounts of brans during storage
Sample Storage time, days 0 3 7
Control 300a ± 0.11 295.3a ± 0.13 290.4a ± 0.09
WB amount, %:
10 290b ± 0.19 285.6b ± 0.15 280.1b ± 0.13
20 280c ± 0.22 275.3c ± 0.22 270.3c ± 0.19
30 275cd ± 0.17 270.5d ± 0.19 263.5d ± 0.25
RB amount, %:
10 295ab ±0.15 286.2b ± 0.20 278.5b ± 0.30
20 287bc ± 0.12 276.3c ± 0.16 269.8c ± 0.26
30 280c ± 0.10 271.5d ± 0.14 262.7d ± 0.17
BB amount, %:
10 292b ± 0.25 287.3b ± 0.23 278.5b ± 0.15
20 285 c± 0.17 279.5c ± 0.19 269.4c ± 0.13
30 278d ± 0.23 269.7d ± 0.15 263.3d ± 0.32
LSD at 0.05 5.9 9.4 8.9
Bran effects on staling. The changes that occur after baking can be defined as staling. They can be measured by the alkaline water retention capacity (AWRC) test. Increases in the AWRC showed the freshness of baked products [42]. Our results revealed a gradual increase in the staling rate for all the Fino bread samples during a prolonged storage time of about 7 days (Table 5). No dif- ferences were observed in the first 3 days, while 7 days of storage caused an increase in the staling rate for all the bread samples. It is clear that the Fino bread with WB, RB, and BB at concentrations of 10, 20, and 30% was fresher than the control under the same conditions due to its higher water retention capacity and a conse- quent improvement of its staling rate. This might be due to a higher content of fibres in bran-fortified bread com- pared to the control. The Fino bread samples with 10 or 20% of bran had a higher water retention capacity, com- pared to the control. Such an increase can be related to a higher hydrophilic nature of proteins. It was noticed that the bread fortified with 10 or 20% of bran showed a bet- ter consistency or high texture characteristics.
Bran effects on total phenolic content and antiox- idant activity. The total phenolic content (TFC) of the brans under study, as well as the bread samples fortified with different concentrations of bran, was determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu method (Fig. 1). It was clear that the addition of all the brans showed a remarkable increase in the total phenolic content of the bread samples, com-
TFC, mg/g GAE |


Fig. 1. Total phenolic content of bran and bread prepared with different amounts of brans.
pared to the control. The highest increase was found in the rice bran treatment, followed by barley bran and wheat bran, respectively.
The data obtained agree well with M. Irakli et al. who found an increase in both free and bound pheno- lic content in bread prepared with rice bran [43]. Also, a significant increase in the total phenolic content was reported by Laokuldilok et al. for the bread baked with red and black rice bran, compared to the control samples [44]. The surveys show no clear trend regarding the ef- fect of thermal treatment on the total phenolic content of bread after baking. The degradation or damage of an- tioxidant components in flour during heating or baking may increase the total phenolic content, as reported by Holtekjolen et al. [45]. Another explanation, offered by Dordevic et al., is that fermentation increases the con- centration of various bioactive components in cereals, as well as the Maillard reaction, which may increase the to- tal phenolic content during evaluation [46].
Antioxidant activity,(%) |

Table 6. Volatile composition of whole Fino bread prepared
with various brans
Volatile compounds |
RI a |
Con- trol |
RB |
BB |
WB |
Alcohols |
2-Methyl-1-propanol |
631b |
19.46 |
25.61 |
21.47 |
18.93 |
2-Methyl-1-butanol |
746 |
5.21 |
4.93 |
5.91 |
6.18 |
3-Methyl-1-butanol |
749 |
21.32 |
19.04 |
21.54 |
22.39 |
1-Hexanol |
882 |
8.45 |
7.92 |
6.32 |
5.71 |
1-Octen-3-ol |
993 |
3.94 |
4.07 |
3.84 |
2.94 |
Sub total |
58.38 |
61.57 |
59.08 |
56.15 |
2-Methylpyrazine |
836 |
2.43 |
3.16 |
4.82 |
2.18 |
2,5-Dimethylpyr- azine |
924 |
0.46 |
0.91 |
1.25 |
3.53 |
2,6-Dimethylpyr- azine |
927 |
1.03 |
0.03 |
3.49 |
1.24 |
2-Ethyl-3-meth- ylpyrazine |
1,008 |
0.78 |
0.54 |
1.02 |
0.62 |
2-Propylpyrazine |
1,021 |
1.12 |
1.13 |
0.84 |
0.97 |
2,3-Diethylpyrazine |
1,091 |
0.08 |
0.76 |
0.02 |
1.03 |
Sub total |
5.9 |
6.53 |
11.44 |
9.57 |
Acids |
Octanoic acid |
1,187 |
1.17 |
2.63 |
2.74 |
1.78 |
Nonanoic acid |
1,279 |
0.95 |
1.89 |
1.96 |
1.02 |
Sub total |
2.12 |
4.52 |
4.7 |
2.8 |
Antioxidant activity,(%) |

amounts of bran as determined by DPPH (a) and β-carotene
(b) assays.
Note: a is RI retention indices determined on DB-5 capillary column; b is values expressed as relative area percentage to the total volatile compounds identified
Bran effects on volatile compounds. The sensory evaluation of the control and the bread samples made with various brans showed that in increased amounts of substitution had a negative effect on the sensory pro- perties, especially on taste and aroma. Therefore, we selected the samples with 10% of the brans for volatile analysis using HS-GC/MS (Table 6).
The volatile compounds identified in bread (thir- ty-six) belonged to major chemical compounds: 5 al- cohols, 6 pyrazines, 2 acids, 9 aldehydes, 5 ketones,
3 esters, and 6 sulphur-containing compounds [48, 49]. The volatile compounds identified as relative peak areas are listed in Table 6.
The analysis of volatile compounds using GC-MS showed that alcohols were the predominant volatile con- stituents accounting for 58.38; 61.57; 59.08; and 56.15% in the control and in the breads with bran from rice, bar- ley, and wheat, respectively (Table 6). The main alcohols were 3-methyl-1-butanol and 2-methyl-1-propanol in the control sample at concentrations of 21.32 % and 19.46%, respectively. The high concentration of alcohols (61.57%) in the bread with rice bran may explain the low scores of sensory evaluation in this treatment. Some alcohols, such as 1-Octen-3-ol and hexanol, have a negative ef- fect on the aroma of bread [50]. Our results revealed that these alcohols had higher concentrations in RB-contai- ning bread, compared to the control and the other bread samples (Table 6). The second major volatile compound was aldehydes: 14.42% in the control sample and 13.21; 12.16; and 10.89% in the breads with brans from wheat,
rice, and barley, respectively (Table 6). Among the most important aldehydes are octanal and nonanal, which have a positive effect on the flavour of bread [51]. These aldehydes were higher in the bread with wheat bran, compared to the other samples (Table 6), which can ex- plain its higher acceptability according to the sensory evaluation (Table 4). Generally, the most common com- pounds of alcohols and aldehydes produce a positive effect on the bread flavour together with low levels of acids, and they could be used to explain the senso- ry analysis, as reported by Quilez et al. [52]. The con- tribution of an aroma compound to the flavour of food depends on its odour threshold, concentration, and food matrix, as well as the release of this volatile during mas- tication [53].
The present study emphasizes the importance of sub- stituting wheat flour with bran to improve the nutritio- nal value and fibre content of bread. While no significant changes in sensory evaluation were observed at a sub- stitution amount of 10%, higher concentrations of bran significantly increased the total phenolic content and the antioxidant activity, and led to a negative sensory evalu- ation, compared to the control sample. However, all the changes were in the range of acceptability. Therefore, the study will extend to evaluate the changes during storage under various conditions to valorise the use of these cheap and nutraceutical ingredients in bread-ma- king to produce highly acceptable functional foods with health benefits.
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