This article features an analysis of the results of practical activities on formation and systematization of natural scientific collections in The Coal Museum of FRS CCC SB RAS. The theoretical-methodological approach of museology employed is aimed at a complex of selected coal samples related to each other by their common characteristics; it determines the uniformity of the subject of the study, as well as its scientific and informational value; this approach servers as a basis for the analysis of museum collections, which provide a body of scientific-informational knowledge about coal. The interdisciplinary systematization of the collections, based on the methods of geology, biology, coal petrography, and petrochemistry, provides for the scientific value and thematic uniqueness of the collection, exhibiting a variety of solid fossil fuels, as well as their classification groups, physical, chemical and technological characteristics, their microand macrostructure, their formation conditions and genesis, peculiarities of contemporary natural resource mining and prospective ways of their use. The collections, which form the foundation for the exhibits and record the set of natural-scientific knowledge on coal, are important within the coal region in career guidance and educating activities, as well as in academic research.
estestvenno-nauchnye kollekcii, kollekcii ugley, profil'nye kollekcii, akademicheskiy muzey, aktualizaciya profil'nyh kollekciy, naturall sciense collections, coal collections, special collections, academic museum, special collections actualization