Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper aims to demonstrate the students’ interaction with artificial intelligence (AI) of educational information and communication technologies (ICTs). The study focuses on the students’ groups studying the Foreign Language discipline and belonging to the non-linguistic departments of the university. The paper explains and defines "AI" and "ICT" concepts as well as the "interaction in the educational process." The necessity of studying the students’ interaction with AI is becoming a great sign of the era of digitalization of higher education. The primary scientific method of the study is modeling. As a result, the students’ interaction with AI is shown via the model demonstrating some systematic factors of interaction and dynamic processes influencing its course. The study’s principal conclusion became the correlating interrelation between the levels of AI influence on the students and their reflexive and evaluation abilities within linguistic competence.

digitalization, information and communication technologies, artificial intelligence, foreign language mastering, modeling, higher education
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