employee from 01.01.2001 to 01.01.2023
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Donetsk National Technical University" (Department of "Economics and Marketing" Faculty of Engineering and Economics, Associate Professor of the Department)
from 01.01.2001 to 01.01.2023
Donetsk, Russian Federation
The management of the industrial personnel labor potential in conditions of uncertainty is a relevant scientific problem. The purpose of the study is to improve the coordination of the enterprise's labor potential management system. The advantage of the labor potential category is its multilevel nature, which makes it possible to study the labor potential of an individual employee as well as personnel of the enterprise as a whole. The article considers labor potential coordination management through a set of basic principles, interacting quantitative and qualitative characteristics that exhibit dynamically changing integration qualities. The specification of the principles makes it possible to ensure the coordination of the enterprise’s labor potential management system. The author identifies the factors that can be influenced by the enterprise management; specify the measurable factors, which can help the enterprise to coordinate the labor potential management system; evaluate the influence of each group of factors. The study uses the general methodological principle of the management systems of industrial enterprises study and a management survey for the diagnosis of internal problems.
management system, set of principles, coordination, labor potential, labor potential management, system approach, factors
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