Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Versatile young specialists are currently in great demand. To be a high-achiever, a successful professional needs the so-called supra-professional skills, which are responsible for personal development. To manage their own study, work, and life, university students require good self-management skills, e.g., setting goals, meeting deadlines, scheduling, road mapping, self-education, reflection, self-correction, etc. Self-management is an object of personal education and an important element of personal development in university environment. This article describes the essence and content of self-management as a competence acquired at university. A review of scientific literature made it possible to prove the relevance of self-management as part of university education. Self-management appeared to have four components, i.e., 1) motivation and target, 2) cognition, 3) activity, 4) reflection and evaluation, while its structure consisted of three development levels, i.e., initial, basic, and advanced.
competence, self-management competence, structure of self-management competency, self-management skills in university students, self-management, personal management
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