Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The pandemic has created additional risks for achieving the socio-economic and environmental goals of sustainable development, has largely transformed consumer behavior and created prerequisites for an environmental agenda revision. The purpose of the study is to identify trends in sustainable development during the pandemic, to identify the features of their manifestation in Russian regions, as well as to justify the need for further stimulation of responsible consumption and production practices based on the environmental innovations’ potential. The objectives of the article include the research of sustainable development trends in the world and Russia during the pandemic, identification of risks to achieving socio-economic and environmental goals, disclosure of the sustainable development specifics in Russian regions during the pandemic, and the formation of recommendations aimed at achieving the goals of Russian regions’ sustainable development. It is determined that the pandemic period is characterized by a slowdown in economic growth and an increase of social and environmental tension, which creates risks for achieving sustainable development goals. Such trends are global in nature, and affect the Russian regions. The authors consider the vectors of consumer behavior patterns and organizations’ activities transformation during the pandemic, identify the key tasks for ensuring the Russian regions’ sustainable development at the stage of post-crisis recovery.

sustainable development, region, consumer behavior, responsible consumption, environmental innovations, pandemic, lean technologies
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