Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Strategic branding helps to build a recognizable image and a good business reputation by bringing the key objectives across to the target audience. A recognizable university brand attracts students and faculty while improving the business reputation for the whole industry. The national light manufacturing industry is experiencing a critical talent shortage. By increasing their attractiveness, higher education institutions of light industry and fashion may attract labor resources because their academic reputation depends on that of the industry. The author described the branding of higher education institutions that train specialists for the light industry and fashion enterprises. The research relied on the theory and methodology of strategizing developed by Professor V. L. Kvint. The topic of strategic branding in the light industry and fashion remains understudied. Most related publications registered in feature digitalization, trend analysis, and historiography. This study focused on the concept and strategic approaches to academic branding. The analysis of Russian higher education institutions yielded a model of developing a university strategic brand that would attract students with good intellectual potential in the sphere of light industry and fashion. Foreign authors describe the strategic branding of higher education organizations as the result of the market economy development. In Russia, the last three decades have seen a considerable development in the strategic branding at the university level. This paper can facilitate further research and branding practice.
strategy, brand, light industry, fashion industry, strategic communication system
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