Divovo, Russian Federation
Divovo, Russian Federation
Mare’s milk demonstrates an excellent potential for functional foods. R&D helps to improve the dairy horse breeding industry. The article introduces a new fermented dairy product based on mare’s milk with Lactobacillus acidophilus as a starter culture. The milk was obtained from the All-Russian Research Institute of Horse Breeding, Divovo. The dried culture of a viscous strain of Acidophilus bacillus was purchased from OOO Lactosynthesis, Moscow. The physicochemical and microbiological tests involved state standard methods for laboratory research. The new method relied on the best activation conditions and the optimal share of activated culture in mare’s milk. The activated culture involved mare’s milk after a ten-minute pasteurization and acidophilic culture. The optimal finished product required 6–9 h of fermentation and had an acidity of 60–90 °T. It demonstrated a pleasant sourmilk taste and a viscous consistency. The new fermented milk product based on mare’s milk with a viscous acidophilus strain as a starter proved feasible. It combines the beneficial properties of mare’s milk and acidophilic starter culture, as well as expands the commercial range of dietary and probiotic drinks. The viscous consistency is especially beneficial for gastrointestinal patients.
mare’s milk, Acidophilus Bacillus, viscous strain, Lactobacillus acidophilus, functional product
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