Moskva, Russian Federation
As an element of tort, the classical legal category of fault evolved together with other legal concepts. Each of these concepts finds increasing validation through the dialogue and debate among representatives of different scientific approaches. Followers of the subjective concept draw inspiration from natural law, while proponents of the objective concept seek justification in positivist theory. Therefore, choosing one concept of fault from different legal paradigms is as challenging as declaring either the natural or positivist school of law as the sole correct approach. Each concept of fault helps achieve fair resolutions within its own category of cases, yet a single overarching concept of fault cannot exist in the post-classical period, characterized by its communicative theory of truth and relativism. All attempts to frame law within the binary either/or formula come from classical rationality. Considering the subjective-objective fault (both/and), such an approach may deprive the law of its multidimensional nature. Additionally, the presumption of fault in tort law relieves courts from the need to conduct a thorough examination of fault when determining liability. As a result, the lack of empirical data on fault fosters a sense of incompleteness and leaves room for further legal discourse. In this article, the author explores the concept of fault from the perspective of judges, interpreting it as an objective-subjective category. This approach is rooted in post-classical legal theory. It describes fault as the verbal articulation of a specific action embedded in the legal norm and reflected in the text of judicial decisions. The offender’s perception exists within their consciousness. It is analyzed based on the evaluator’s involvement in the context of the offense and all objective circumstances. Like other legal elements, fault is a construct, i.e., its understanding is possible only as part of social relations, not in the mirror of nature (as per R. Rorty). Courts, in this sense, do not regard fault as a necessary condition for tort liability.
fault, negligence, intent, tort, tort liability, civil liability, legal construct
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