Yanickiy Mihail

Author's profiles
Academic degree
doctor of psychological sciences
Science rang
  1. Kemerovo State University , Social Psychological Institute , director ,
  • Journal "Virtual Communication and Social Networks" ,
Scientific interests
- general psychological patterns of formation and development of the system of value-semantic orientations of the individual and social communities; - features of the dynamics of the value-semantic sphere of personality in normal and pathological development; - psychological and pedagogical conditions for the effective formation of a system of value-semantic orientations in the educational space of a school, college and university; - transformation of the value-semantic sphere of the personality in the course of purposeful pedagogical, psychological and psychotherapeutic influence; - technologies for developing the system of value orientations of young students, aimed at increasing the importance of family, civil-patriotic and other values ​​that are opposite in their content to asocial or anti-social ideology
Kemerovo, Russian Federation
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