Novokuznetsk, Russian Federation
Kemerovo, Russian Federation
The article presents a model of continuous professional education through school, college, and university to the company level. The model provides career in-school guidance as a basis for professional skills to be developed further at institutions of secondary and higher education. It also provides specialists with a time-efficient corporate career track. By ensuring their current and future needs in qualified personnel, companies achieve strategic goals, develop new products, and introduce modern technologies. The regional economy depends on its basic industries, which require specialists that are able to adapt to the most complex local tasks. The model assumes a high level of interaction between all stakeholders, i.e., employers, schools, technical colleges, universities, regional Departments of Education, municipal Education Councils, academic committees, etc. The authors studied the interaction experience between EVRAZ West Siberian Metallurgical Complex and the regional education institutions in 2022–2024.
education institution, personnel training, internship, professional development, career growth, personnel competitiveness, regional economic development
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