Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Kemerovo, Russian Federation
The rapid technological development has introduced artificial intelligence (AI) to creative industries. As a result, institutions of copyright and neighboring, or related, rights are facing new challenges that require new legal approaches. The authors examined various copyright issues connected with works of art generated with the help of digital algorithms and machine learning. The analysis of the current laws in this sphere revealed new models that could accommodate the specifics of digital content within the legal domain. The authorship of AI-generated works can belong to the developer of the AI, the user who initiated the process, or the AI unit itself. Automated data extraction increases the risk of infringement, often leading to disputes between rights holders and users. The transformation of copyright and related laws caused by digitalization is a complex and multifaceted process that challenges legislators and law enforcement agencies. It is bound to replace the current approaches to the copyright and neighboring rights.
copyright and neighboring rights, digital environment, artificial intelligence, creative activity, authorship, AI unit, information use, parsing
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