Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
The article presents the results of studies of the content of immunoglobulin G (IgG) in dry colostrum and a biologically active additive based on it by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate according to Lammli (SDS-PAGE). Protein profile of the studied samples is equivalent and includes lactoferrin, serum albumin, casein fractions — as1- and as2‑caseins, β-casein, α-lactalbumin, β-lactoglobulin. SDS-PAGE-electrophoresis method makes it possible to determine not only IgG, but also its «heavy» form, the molecular weight of which in colostrum was 55,23 kDa and in a product based on it — 54,92 kDa. Total content IgG in colostrum was 296,35 kDa and in a product based on it — 305,31 kDa. The ratio of whey proteins to casein proteins in colostrum and dietary supplements was 55:45 and 51:49 respectively, which indicates the possible use of colostrum as a component for the production of specialized nutrition products.
colostrum, protein, molecular weight of proteins, immunoglobulin G, SDS-PAGE-electrophoresis
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