St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Military students, or cadets, should acquire self-organization skills as early as during their first year in education institutions under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Self-organization helps them in adaptation and self-realization, i.e., professionalization, which depends on successful planning and organization. The humanitarian-anthropological approach postulates mentoring in an artificial co-event community of mentors and mentees. The author proposed to develop self-organization skills through a two-vector mentoring, i.e., a parallel support by two mentors, a member of the teaching staff and a senior cadet. The research idea was to design a model for developing self-organization skills in first-year military students through mentoring. The article describes a review and an empirical study, which included a pedagogical experiment and testing. The model consisted of seven correlating components. It specified organizational stages, forms, methods, means, resources, and conditions of mentoring. The experiment involved students of the department of military personnel workers, St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The experimental group demonstrated better results in three out of six scales. The results can be applied in the educational work in academic institutions of higher education under the Ministry of Internal Affairs or facilitate the revival of the institute of mentoring in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.
professionalization, mentoring, professional adaptation, self-organization, cadets, first year students, education organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
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